Monday 18 March 2013

School and Tests and ..

I went to college for two years before I attended university. I graduated with honours and got my college diploma in Broadcast Journalism from Conestoga College.

I won three industry awards, including 570News Best Radio Report, Rogers Media All-Star Scholarship, and the one that I am most proud of, CTV Journalist of the Year.

All these awards were decided on my industry professionals who viewed my work and decided that mine was the best.

To hear that MY work was the best was very humbling and I was so proud of what I had accomplished.

Coming to this country at the age of 10, not knowing a single word of English, the reality was that although I had a future in the Canada, it was not going to be easy. But life is not easy, and I knew that I was going to have to work 10x harder than all of my friends and other students.

I worked hard, and I gave 150% in everything I did. It took me only 3 months (one summer), to learn how to speak English. I was taken out of ESL classes my first year at school because they did not find it necessary for me to be in a class like that when my English was almost up to par with the other students.

Being in school now for over half my life, I have learnt that TESTs are NOT my thing.

In college, it was all hands on work, and all our grades were based on projects. I didn't have to worry about studying.

You see, studying has never been my thing. I don't have the attention span to sit there and try to study. I understand concepts and theories that we discuss in my classes, but start asking me multiple choice questions and fill-in-the blanks, and you will get a series on Mean Girl quotes.

I don't think this makes me stupid, I just learn a different way. I know that I am a smart individual and tests will never ever be my thing.

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